
The following novels and other stories are available on Amazon.

My most recently released novel is Cole’s Passage, a suspense story for adults about Tom Cole, who appeared first in my novel Cash Burn. By the time of the events of Cole’s Passage, Tom has evolved from a dedicated and energetic parole officer into a man with plenty of regrets who takes his solitude more seriously than anything else. But when a neighbor pleads with him to help find her missing teenage daughter, Tom is unable to resist what may be his last chance for redemption. You can order the paperback of Cole’s Passage directly from the author here, or Kindle, paperback, or hardcover editions through Amazon here or the e-book for other platforms here. A free excerpt is available here.

In 2020, I released The Cowboy, a coming-of-age story about a ten-year-old boy named Bobby, growing up in southern California in 1970. His mom split and his dad can’t help, and the only way Bobby can deal with it is to wish he lived in the good old days he sees played out in his favorite Westerns. When Bobby’s dog, Junior, defends him from a redneck, and the fuzz want to put Junior in the pokey, Bobby calculates he’d better hit the trail with Junior, and they light out for the Mexican border. Tracked by his family, the police, and the redneck out for revenge, by the time Bobby approaches the border, everything he thought he knew starts to come apart. You can order The Cowboy here, or read a free excerpt here.

The Paul Garza Series

The Paul Garza series is comprised of three books so far. The first is In the Company of Thieves, about an executive who endangers his life and the lives of his family when he blows the whistle on suspected money-laundering. Order In the Company of Thieves here. An excerpt is available for free, here.

The second novel in the series is Succession. Garza wants to integrate into peaceful society after what happened to him In the Company of Thieves, but the son of a man he arrested is assembling a team of killers to come for revenge. A mystery surrounding the family of Garza’s lover, DEA agent Abbie Sanders, distracts him from the danger at hand, and as the killers close in, the Sanders mystery unfolds to reveal a succession plan so poorly crafted that instead of producing continuity, it produces destruction. You can order Succession here. To read a free excerpt of Succession, click here.

The third novel in the Paul Garza series is Once Removed. Garza joins with friends from childhood to unravel a mystery concerning fellow veteran Donny Lind, who’s been accused of kidnapping and extortion. As the truth begins to be revealed, it becomes clear that the plot concerning Donny’s crimes has roots going back to the childhood friendships all of them shared. You can order Once Removed here. To read a free excerpt of Once Removed, click here.


My novel Cargo takes us to the Andes, where a young mountaineer and her father are forced into an expedition to recover loot from a downed plane. The treasures they find at altitude are not what they expected, and make the hazards of finding their way back down seem impossible to overcome. Order Cargo here. To read a free excerpt, click here.


Occupation is about a modern-day Robin Hood named Theo Hillman who gets in over his head when a partner in crime commits murder, and Theo is implicated as an accessory. Extricating himself from his partner’s plots becomes harder and harder, and Theo’s lover is trapped by an entirely different kind of bondage. Order Occupation here. You can read an excerpt here.

Cash Burn

My debut novel, Cash Burn, was published by Tyndale House in 2011. The story is about what can go wrong when an executive with access to millions of dollars of other people’s money takes a fall from the corporate ladder and becomes a disgruntled employee looking to make a score. Cash Burn is available here. An excerpt is available here.

The Book and Key Series for Kids

When my son was a boy, I began a series of books for him about a magical kingdom where children have adventures that impact their lives back on Earth. My son grew up much faster than the books did, but I’ve recently completed the four-book series called Book and Key, and it’s available now under the pen name Curtis Walker. For more information on those titles, please go to my Curtis Walker site on Amazon .